Creating a Job Application
Dansville Central School District is a rural school system located about 45 minutes south of Rochester, NY. We serve approximately 1,300 PK-12 students housed in three buildings on our Main Street Campus in the Village of Dansville.
The District is comprised of Dansville Primary School (PK-2), Ellis B. Hyde Elementary School (3-6), and Dansville High School (7-12).
To begin the application process, please go to the available Job Opportunities to apply to the postings of interest. You can also click HERE to start the application process.
Getting Help...
If you have questions about a posted job/position, please contact the School District directly. If you have technical questions related to completing or submitting your application or require other help with the application website, please click the Help menu item. "Help" will link you to the RecruitFront Support Portal, where you can search for a solution to your problem and / or submit a Support Request Ticket (i.e. via the SUBMIT TICKET link in the upper right corner of the screen).